Linebrook Church


Linebrook Church seeks to be a missions-minded church, with every effort being made to support the outreach of the gospel of Christ both at home and abroad. We seek to support both local and foreign missionaries by providing wherever possible their entire support needs, thus freeing missionaries from the tedious and time-consuming task of raising support from a large number of churches. In those cases where full support cannot be provided, we seek to provide a large proportion of the missionary’s support so as to minimize the tedium and time for fundraising and maximize a missionary’s time in effective ministry.

At Linebrook Church, we seek to keep our membership informed about the work of its missionaries, to take on the support of new missionaries from time to time as finances permit, and to provide a strong, ongoing prayer base for the support of missionaries. We also encourage short-term missions trips by members and friends of the church and encourage persons in the congregation to respond to the divine call to full-time missionary service.