We believe that the sole audience for worship is God, so all worship is to be directed to Him.
Music is an integral part of the worship and body life at Linebrook. It is one way that we are told in God’s Word to praise our Creator and Redeemer. David tells us to “sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre!” (Ps. 147:7). James admonishes us that if anyone is cheerful, “Let him sing praise” (James 5:13). In addition, theologically strong hymns and songs are able to encourage one another as well as to turn them from sinful ways.
Martin Luther believed that biblically based hymns were as vital to a congregation as good preaching and teaching. One reason for this is that good theology is many times more memorable when put to music. We may say that we are not able to memorize long passages, but put those same passages to music and we can sing them throughout the day letting the truth of God’s Word take root deep in our hearts and lives.
Our style of music is traditional, using many familiar hymns. In addition, we use modern hymns as well. We are fond of compositions by such writers as Stuart Townend, Bob Kauflin, and Keith and Kristyn Getty. We choose music that incorporates a solid message as well as a beautiful, singable, melodic line. We recognize the importance of corporate worship and want all of the congregation to be able to participate in worshiping God together with one voice, regardless of the range of musical gifts of our members may be.
Our music is currently led using acoustic and electronic pianos. There have been times in the life of our church when we have also had violin, flute, bassoon, and harp to aid in our worship. We use instruments to lead the congregational singing as well as for special music. We are grateful for those able to sing solos or duets as other ways of leading in worship. We also have a voice ensemble that meets for practice one night each week and for a longer practice one Saturday per month. New members are welcome! This is a great time for using our musical gifts as well as serving as a small group of brothers and sisters to pray for and encourage one another. The voice ensemble typically sings twice a month and plays a larger role in services during holiday seasons.