Linebrook Church is an independent Bible-believing congregational church under the lordship of Jesus Christ. Christ alone is recognized as the spiritual head of our church. It is our desire that three things should characterize our church: truth, love and Christlikeness. Our basis for truth is the Bible, which is taught in our church and which guides us as to God’s plan for all people. Love is what we want to share with others, as God has loved us in Christ. Christlikeness is our goal for behavior. Christ is our model for how to live.
Linebrook Church welcomes to the Lord’s Table for the communion meal any persons who present themselves as followers of Christ whether or not they are members of this church. It is a seeker-loving church but not a seeker-driven church, meaning that we try to follow the guidance of the Bible rather than prevailing cultural tastes on matters of worship practice and style. It is a missionary church, with a zeal to see people come to faith and grow as disciples of Christ both in the local area and around the world, and therefore it commits sizeable resources for the spread of the good news.