Author: <span>admin</span>

Author: admin

Darkness & Mourning

One of the voyages taken by the Dawn Treader, a sailing ship in the third tale of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia children’s series, takes its crew to a Dark Island. Initially those on board thought that the island was “a great dark mountain rising out of the sea.” But …

A Severe Mercy

Whereas the purpose of the hailstorm plague we considered last week was for the benefit of Pharaoh’s faith, so that he and the other Egyptians might know that there was no one on earth like the LORD and that his name might be proclaimed in all the earth,[1] the purpose …

Holy Relationships

In turning to the fifth and sixth plagues, the pattern of Pharaoh’s hard-heartedness continues. This is extraordinary given how horrific each plague is. As we’ve noted before, it would seem that the rational response to God’s warnings would be to acknowledge that the only way of stopping this onslaught of …

The People of the LORD

I find there are few things more annoying than a fly that enters your home and continuously buzzes around landing upon and near you (ditto with mosquitoes, bees, and stink bugs!). Who would think that such a small annoyance could be so disruptive to reading—or talking with someone—or eating—or writing—or …

On Healthy & Sick Hearts

This morning I’d like to speak to you from the bottom of my heart for I hold each of you close to my heart. When I see the love you have for one another, I’m reminded that you are sisters and brothers after my heart. So many of you have …

How to Soften Your Heart

The battle between Pharaoh, leader of all Egypt, and the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth, was about to begin. Although Moses and Aaron were the ones who would speak the words given them by God, they weren’t Pharaoh’s primary opponents—God was. As we’ll see in this morning’s passage, though …

Where Are You Looking?

As the new school year is approaching, this morning I thought I’d begin with a multiple–choice quiz. Ready? Here goes! The evidence that God loves those who are his is: Their lives are easy They always get what they want They never suffer He acts on their behalf “A” is …

A Long Obedience

As we saw last week, once Moses and Aaron had spoken with the elders of the Israelites, letting them know everything that the LORD had told Moses and performing the signs God had given them before the people, the elders believed them. And when the elders learned that the LORD, …