Author: <span>admin</span>

Author: admin

The Importance of Being Still

Last week we saw how “God led the [Israelites] around by the desert road toward the Red Sea”[1] and that “After leaving Sukkoth they camped at Etham on the edge of the desert.”[2] As his people left Egypt, the LORD determined to lead them by a pillar of cloud by …

Mary, Pregnant with Immanuel

As we heard read for us earlier during the lighting of this week’s Advent candle, the focus of the fourth Sunday in Advent is Mary, Jesus’ mother, who while a virgin miraculously conceived and gave birth to Jesus, eternal God who took on human flesh in order that we might …

Thank God for His Firstborn!

This morning’s sermon will be the last on Moses until after the new year as next Sunday we transition to Advent and join in looking forward to the day that our gracious Christ, God’s Messiah, eternal Son of the Father, came to earth in the form a babe in a …

The Passover Sacrifice

We noted last week that beginning with the fourth plague, the swarm of flies, it’s likely that the Israelites were spared being subject to the remaining plagues:[1] With the tenth and final plague as well, the death of the firstborn, the people of the LORD would be spared. However, this …